Paul Heaton – 05.07.2012 London

The 8th

Wer singt sündigt nicht
The 8th
alle Erzählungen Reg E. Cathey
The Southside
Panther [Reg E. Cathey & Steve Menzies]
Pharaoh’s Boot
Lust [Wayne Gidden]
Strawberry-type birthmark
Gluttony [Gareth Paisey]
Uncle Luther, Officer Pork-Pork and Fat Alice
Greed [Simon Aldred]
Newfounded uprising collection
Wrath [Aaron Wright]
Ain’t done payin’ yet
Envy [Jacqueline Abbott]
Pharaoh’s Liar
Sloth [Yvonne Shelton]
The Street been put to sleep
Pride [Mike Greaves]
The people who own the night
The 8th [Paul Heaton]
Coda [Steve Menzies]
Walk into the Light
Best of
Blackbird on a wire [Paul Heaton & Simon Aldred]
Diamonds [Mike Greaves & Jacqueline Abbott]
Good as Gold (Stupid as Mud) [Aaron Wright & Jacqueline Abbott]
Poems [Yvonne Shelton]
One last Love Song [Gareth Paisey, Yvonne Shelton & Jacqueline Abbott]
Costa del Sombre [Paul Heaton]
I’ve got some dancing [Paul Heaton]
I’ll sail this ship alone [Simon Aldred]
Dumb [Wayne Gidden & Jacqueline Abbott]
Build [Paul, Jacqueline Abbott & all]
Me and the Farmer [Paul Heaton, Gareth Paisey  & Jacqueline Abbott]

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