William Hartnell
1963 An unearthly Child
1963 The Daleks
1963 The Edge of Destruction
1964 The Keys of Marinus
1964 The Aztecs [Special Edition]
1964 The Sensorites
1964 The Reign of Terror
1964 Planet of Giants
1965 The Dalek Invasion of Earth
1965 The Rescue
1965 The Romans
1965 The Web Planet
1965 The Space Museum
1965 The Chase
1966 The Time Meddler
1966 The Ark
1966 The Gunfighters
1966 The War Machines
1966 The Tenth Planet
Patrick Troughton
1966 The Power of the Daleks (animiert)
1967 The Underwater Menace (teilweise animiert)
1967 The Moonbase
1967 The Macra Terror (animiert)
1967 The Faceless Ones (animiert)
1967 The Tomb of the Cybermen [Special Edition]
1967 The Ice Warriors
1967 The Enemy of the World [Special Edition]
1967 The Enemy of the World
1968 The Web of Fear
1968 Fury from the Deep (animiert)
1968 The Dominators
1968 The Mind Robber
1968 The Krotons
1968 The Invasion
1969 The Seeds of Death [Special Edition]
1969 The War Games
Jon Pertwee
1970 Spearhead from Space [Special Edition]
1970 Doctor Who and the Silurians
1970 Ambassadors of Death
1970 Inferno [Special Edition]
1971 Terror of the Autons
1971 The Mind of Evil
1971 The Claws of Axos [Special Edition]
1971 Colony in Space
1971 The Daemons
1972 Day of the Daleks
1972 The Curse of Peladon
1972 The Sea Devils
1972 The Mutants
1973 The Time Monster
1973 The Three Doctors [Special Edition]
1973 Carnival of Monsters [Special Edition]
1973 Frontier in Space
1973 Planet of the Daleks
1973 The Green Death [Special Edition]
1973 The Time Warrior
1973 Invasion of the Dinosaurs
1974 Death to the Daleks
1974 The Monster of Peladon
1974 Planet of the Spiders
Tom Baker
1975 Robot
1975 The Ark in Space [Special Edition]
1975 The Sontaran Experiment
1975 The Genesis of the Daleks
1975 Revenge of the Cybermen
1975 Terror of the Zygons
1975 Planet of Evil
1975 Pyramids of Mars
1976 The Android Invasion
1976 The Brain of Morbius
1976 The Seeds of Doom
1976 The Masque of Mandragora
1976 The Hand of Fear
1976 The deadly Assassin
1977 The Face of Evil
1977 Robots of Death [Special Edition]
1977 The Talons of Weng-Chiang [Special Edition]
1977 The Horror of Fang Rock
1977 Image of Fendahl
1977 The Sun Makers
1978 Underworld
1978 The Invasion of Time
1978 The Ribos Operation [The Key to Time Part 1]
1978 The Pirate Planet [The Key to Time Part 2]
1978 The Stones of Blood [The Key to Time Part 3]
1978 The Androids of Tara [The Key to Time Part 4]
1978 The Power of Kroll [The Key to Time Part 5]
1978 The Armageddon Factor [The Key to Time Part 6]
1979 Destiny of the Daleks
1979 City of Death
1979 The Creature from the Pit
1979 Nightmare of Eden
1979 The Horns of Nimon
1980 Shada
1980 The leisure Hive
1980 Meglos
1980 Full Circle
1980 State of Decay
1980 Warrior’s Gate
1981 The Keeper of Traken
1981 Logopolis
Peter Davison
1982 Castrovalva
1982 Four to Doomsday
1982 Kinda
1982 The Visitation [Special Edition]
1982 Black Orchid
1982 Earthshock
1983 Time-Flight
1983 Arc of Infinity
1983 Snakedance
1983 Mawdryn undead
1983 Terminus
1983 Enlightenment
1983 The King’s Demons
1984 Resurrection of the Daleks [Special Edition]
1984 The Five Doctors [25 Years Anniversary Edition]
1984 Warriors of the Deep
1984 The Awakening
1984 Frontios
1984 Planet of Fire
1984 The Caves of Androzani [Special Edition]
Colin Baker
1985 The Twin Dilemma
1985 Attack of the Cybermen
1985 Vengeance on Varos [Special Edition]
1985 The Mark of the Rani
1985 The Two Doctors
1985 Timelash
1985 Revelation of the Daleks
1986 The Mysterious Planet [The Trial of a Time Lord Part 1]
1986 Mindwarp [The Trial of a Time Lord Part 2]
1986 Terror of the Vervoids [The Trial of a Time Lord Part 3]
1986 The ultimate Foe [The Trial of a Time Lord Part 4]
Sylvester McCoy
1987 Time and the Rani
1987 Paradise Towers
1987 Delta and the Bannerman
1987 Dragonfire
1988 Remembrance of the Daleks [Special Edition]
1988 The Happiness Patrol
1988 Silver Nemesis
1988 The greatest Show in the Galaxy
1989 Battlefield
1989 Ghost Light
1989 The Curse of Fenric
1989 Survival
Paul McGann
1996 The Movie [Special Edition]
Christopher Eccleston
2005 A Trip of a Lifetime [The complete Series 1]
David Tennant
2006 The lonely Gods [The complete Series 2]
2007 The Measure of a Man [The complete Series 3]
2008 Lost Horizon [The complete Series 4]
2009 Rage, Rage against the dying of the Light [Specials]
Matt Smith
2010 Fairytales [The complete Series 5]
2011 Death comes to time [The complete Series 6]
2012 The impossible Girl [The complete Series 7]
50th Anniversary Special
2013 The Day of the Doctor
Peter Capaldi
2014 Old Soldiers [The complete Series 8]
2015 The Long Way [The complete Series 9]
2017 Deserts of Vast Eternity [The complete Series 10]
2017 Twice upon a Time
Jodie Whitakter
2018 The Ties that binds [The complete Series 11]
2019 Resolution
2020 [The complete Series 12]
David Tennant
Ncuti Gatwa
Peter Cushing
1965 Dr. Who und die Daleks
1966 Dr. Who – Die Invasion der Daleks auf der Erde 2150 n. Chr.